Welcome to Westminster
Westminster is a safe place to ask questions and to live the questions of life that have no easy or pat answers. We understand the life of faith to be a journey, and we walk that path with God and one another. Westminster is an exciting congregation where you can grow in faith and discover meaningful opportunities to serve others in the name of God. All are welcome here.
Visiting Westminster
Free Parking
Free parking is available in the lot directly across from the front doors of the church, on First Street.
Handicapped Accessible
People are invited to use the automatic doors on Perry Street near the alley and the elevator at the end of the ramp near the Chapel entrance. There is also a handicapped accessible restroom halfway down the ramp across from the Chapel. Pews 3, 4, 10, 21, 22 and 34 in the Sanctuary accommodate wheelchairs. Handicapped parking is available along both sides of Perry Street on Sunday mornings.
Worship Style
Traditional in format, vibrant and relevant in content, centered on God’s Holy Word, proclaiming God’s Word for us today through thoughtful, accessible, prophetic preaching;  congregational hymn singing and choral anthems that span the centuries and the globe.
Children are always welcome in worship. However, nursery care is available for children three and under on the first floor of the church. Children four and older attend worship for a time with their families before leaving at a designated moment in the service for their programming. For more information, visit our Children's Ministry page.