Deacon Ministries
At Westminster, deacons are the “doers” of multiple direct-care ministries for members and
others from birth to the end of life. Along with Care Teams, (see below) deacons listen when
others share hurts and struggles of every everyday life, and provide caring support in times of
sickness, loss, and grief. Deacons encourage the health and well-being of members and draw
alongside them in times of life transition.
Westminster Deacon Ministries
Westminster Deacons carry out ministries of congregational care in the areas of Health and
Wellness, Life Transitions, and Prayer and Presence. These hands-on, service oriented, and
one-on-one listening care ministries include the following:
Health and Wellness
Weekly hearing assist devices for worshipers
Medical equipment loans
An Emergency Response Team during Worship
Disposal of unused and old medications
Deacon Home Assistance Work Day
Life Transitions
Visitation with parents at the time of birth or adoption
Support for families during and after times of bereavement (meat & cheese tray, grief booklets, personal contact, holiday bereavement luncheon)
Support in times of transition (moving into a retirement facility, hospitalization, cognitive decline)
Delivery of cards for bereavement, hospitalizations and other life transitions
Prayer and Presence
Delivery of sanctuary flowers to hospitalized members
Delivery of lilies at Easter and poinsettias at Christmas to homebound members
Caroling during Advent to homebound members
Delivery of Home Communion to homebound members
Regular visits with members less able to attend worship (Church Partners)
Hospital visitation and follow-up support
Prayers through our email prayer ministry
Prayer shawls and other tangible expressions of care for those in need of compassion